6 Ways to Make Over Your Kitchen on the

6 Ways to Make Over Your Kitchen on the Cheap — Real Estate Tips

Recent Movoto articles detailed how to affordably decorate your home, as well as 28 inexpensive ways to update your bathroom. But if there’s one room in your house that will truly make or break a possible home sale, it’s the kitchen.

But let’s face it, we’re sure you have neither the will, inclination, nor the money required to completely makeover your kitchen. Fortunately, we have 6 real estate tips for you that will help you spruce up the kitchen inexpensively. Check them out below!

1. Use Elbow Grease and Clean Deep

If you want your kitchen to shine, break out the cleaners and the rubber gloves and get to work scrubbing. Every kitchen surface needs to be cleaned — “the floor, baseboards, crown molding, walls, back splash, counters,” everything. Be sure to move the fridge so you can get the wall behind it, as well as any furniture so you can get the floor.

2. Clean Those Rarely-Seen Places and Appliances

It’s a well-known fact that potential buyers will snoop while in your home. That means that storage spaces like your closets and cabinets, and appliances like your fridge and even your oven, will be thoroughly looked over. Make sure all these areas are squeaky clean and organized. And put away anything you want to stay private, like medications.

3. Clean Well and Go Bulk with Hardware

Ditch expensive options like resurfacing or replacing your kitchen cabinets in favor of either a thorough cleaning or new paint job. Once that’s done, replace any outdated or worn knobs with new hardware. Your most affordable choice is to order your new hardware in bulk — each item is cheaper, plus it gives you spares for later.

4. Make Inexpensive Yet High-End Additions

In this tip, “high-end” is not synonymous with “expensive”. The trick’s to buy things that will make your kitchen look high-end (think fancy trim or elegant plate rack shelving) without costing you much. You can then clear out some junk and make space for the clean-looking additions.

5. Apply Molding to the Cabinets

Not only is this a simple and affordable thing to do yourself, but it will also dress up your cabinets in a big way. Just be sure that the paint you’re using will stick to both your molding and your cabinets themselves.

6. Tack On a Custom Hood Range

You don’t have to break the bank in order to land a really nice hood range — just find something that will complete your kitchen’s overall look. Believe it or not, this subtle addition will give your whole kitchen a cohesive feel, and a newly remodeled feel, too.

Stephanie Huskey is the resident real estate blogger for Movoto and would recommend decking out that kitchen to the best of your ability if you’re looking to sell the home.
http://www.movoto.com/blog/ for more great tips!

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Count-Down to SPRING!

The Big DayMarch 22, 2012
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